Analyse your dreams

Understand the meaning of your dreams with SomniAI's AI. Get accurate and personalised interpretations of your dreams within seconds. Enter your dream below to get started!

Why choose SomniAI?

Discover the meaning of your dreams now!

Never miss a valuable interpretation of your dreams again! With SomniAI, you can uncover the meaning of your dreams in just a few seconds. Don't miss the opportunity to learn more about yourself and your future. Try SomniAI now!


SomniAI works by using AI based on OpenAI to analyze the dreams of users. Customers tell their dream and launch the analysis by clicking a button.

No, SomniAI does not store user data. Data is deleted immediately after the dream analysis.

SomniAI is available in French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and German.

The analysts and psychologists working on dream analysis are renowned experts in their field, including psychologists like Carl Jung.

SomniAI is completely free for users.

The time it takes to receive a dream analysis may vary depending on demand. Users should receive their analysis within a few minutes.

No, SomniAI is intended to be used by everyone, regardless of their psychology experience.

Users can contact SomniAI support through the contact form on the website or by email at the address provided on the site.

Analyzing your dreams can help you better understand your subconscious and identify issues or concerns that may not be obvious in waking life. This can help solve problems and improve quality of life.

Yes, SomniAI can help interpret nightmares in the same way as dreams. Users can tell their nightmare and launch the analysis to better understand the symbols and themes associated with it.